Tyler on Wonder Woman: "I think it’s important that Wonder Woman’s story is being told now. I mean, it’s been too long in coming as it is. It’s an interesting story as well because she is different from the male superhero’s that are out there right now. With other superhero movies, it seems like there’s always a revenge thing going on. They’re always going after the bad guy’s and eliminating them. But with Wonder Woman, there is a lot more compassion involved in her story and that’s going to be really wonderful to see.”

Tyler spotted shopping in Los Angeles before heading back across the pond for Wonder Woman filming.  

#throwback to the Golden Globes and Tyler either A) helping a friend backstage or B) he was trying to avoid stepping on her dress. (but cute, nonetheless!)  

"This was one of those scenes that was kind of hard to film - and not just because I didn’t have any clothes on. But I think it was one of the first times we see him [Jax] come to terms with everything that has has happened with his family and the club. He’s never been one of those guys who always does the right thing and he’s damn sure never been the good guy. He’s done a lot of really bad stuff under the guise of protecting his family, but in the end he’s more of a detriment to his family and the club. It was an emotional scene to film, just because it was one of our last days and I didn’t realize how hard it would be to leave him behind.”

-- Tyler on the Season 7 DVD Commentary